12 Days of Decluttering Challenge - Day 7

Hello again and welcome to Day #7 of the 12 Days of Decluttering Challenge. If you are just joining us, hop back to day one for your first mission. Today is one of my favorite days. We are going to declutter our canned goods, condiments, produce and spices. One of the reasons I like this day so much is it’s black and white (something is either not expired or expired) and it grants instant gratification in any area you use most!

For todays challenge, your focus will be in the kitchen. First I want you to gather all of your canned goods and check the expiration dates. Throw away any that are expired. If you note canned goods that are not expired but that you will likely not use, set those aside to donate.

Next, move on to your spices. Spices are good for about 3-4 years. If you’ve got some in there that you are unsure of what they are or can’t remember a time you’ve used it, discard it. It’s more likely that it’s old and you’d need to buy fresh when it comes time to actually use it. I’m linking my favorite spice jars below too.

Lastly, take a quick look through your fridge and discard any expired condiments. This is a great time to purge old produce and tidy the fridge too!

See you tomorrow for Day #8!




12 Days of Decluttering Challenge - Day 8


12 Days of Decluttering Challenge - Day 6