Declutter: Your Make-Up Cabinet (5 Essentials to Keep)

Contributed by: Amelia Baker

With the promise of spring – and the threat of spring cleaning – just around the corner, it’s time to prepare ourselves. While tackling each room sounds great on paper, organizing a bathroom can be a tall order. This is also true for specific elements of a bathroom – like your makeup cabinet. Over time, it’s easy to accumulate too many products: half-finished bottles, assorted samples, things you’ve stopped using, that one palette of 35 eyeshadows because three of them were amazing.

However, you can declutter by narrowing down your stash to five (yes, five!) essential products. Also, remember that makeup and other beauty products don’t last forever: they have a shelf life. If it’s chunky, goopy, or otherwise gross, it’s time to let it go. So, what should you end up keeping? Let’s find out.


Our skin, especially on the face, is constantly subjected to pollutants from the environment. Smoke, oils, and even our own makeup can cause clogged pores and oily skin. This is why using a cleanser twice a day - morning and night - is a step that we absolutely cannot skip. Having a good cleanser is a must in the bathroom. While there’s one single perfect cleanser for everyone, a “good” cleanser for you should be one that doesn’t dry your skin out and doesn’t leave a sticky, oily, or shiny residue after use but can still remove all of your makeup gently.


A toner is a crucial product for a anti-aging skincare routine. Used correctly after you cleanse your face, toners get rid of any remaining residue - either from your makeup, the cleanser itself, or just dirt that managed to escape the cleansing process. They’re alcohol free (As opposed to astringent, which has alcohol in order to help deal with oily skin) and can tighten the skin and avoid aging lines when used regularly.


A decent moisturizer will be your best friend. Even if you have oily or combination skin, moisturizer is important - it’s just a matter of finding the right one for your skin. As with cleansers, look for a moisturizer that doesn’t leave a slimy residue on your face. Light formulas that get absorbed quickly are the best option, and you get bonus points for moisturizers that have at least SPF 15, which can protect your skin from cancer and pre-cancer.

Lipstick or Gloss

While you may think that every piece of makeup is absolutely essential, it’s possible to go without. If you find yourself throwing everything out because it’s goopy, old, and actually expired, try to stick with just a single lip product - at least while you spend time trying to replace everything you do need. Look for a lip color that offers some SPF protection and is waterproof, so you don’t have to apply it as often.


A good, clean set of brushes will go a long way. If you have a cluttered makeup cabinet or drawer, you probably already have a favorite set of brushes. (If not, it’s time to go shopping!). Regardless, make sure to keep your brushes clean. You should be looking at a once-a-week cleaning to prevent buildup.

Cleaning your bathroom may not seem like the most interesting activity and your makeup cabinet might be overflowing, but it’s time that we face our fears, grab a trash bag, and get to decluttering. You’ll feel so much better afterwards!

Will you try any of these tips or have some of your own to share? Comment below.


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