Organize Nashville

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How To Organize Your Closet When you are In-Between Sizes

I’ve really been struggling to get dressed lately. I’m in the dreaded fourth trimester where nothing really fits right. Not to mention I just came out of being pregnant during a pandemic AND have been pregnant for 20 of the last 32 months. Lets just say getting dressed is a thing.

I’m 100% sure I’m not alone in this. LBH, we’ve all been at home in yoga pants for the good part of the last year. And if I had to guess, most of us are getting dressed from the top up for zoom meetings. If you are hoping for fashion advice, sorry I have zero. I’m still a skinny jeans lovin’, side part wearing millennial BUT if you want to know how to organize your closet so you can actually find something that:

  • Fits the size you are now

  • You didn’t have to try on 25 things to figure that out

  • Helps you see what you own

...then keep reading.

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Here’s the thing, there is no point in your closet making you feel bad. No one needs an extra reminder that our “skinny” jeans don’t fit yet. So here’s how to organize your closet with wardrobe that fits where you are right now:

  1. Start with this basic wardrobe checklist (here is a printable version for you!)

  2. Using this list, pull the basic items that you own from your current closet. I like to make my bed before I start so I have a big spot to sort.

  3. Looking at those clothes, identify the items that fit right now. You will likely need to try on a few things to be sure. Be honest. Don’t pick the pair of jeans that you have to lay on the bed to zip up. This is about feeling good in your clothes, not doing a dance to get into them.

Now you can start to build a small but wearable wardrobe. Remember the goal is to have a capsule of clothes that you can wear for the next three months or so.

4. Use the basics checklist as a guide to building an intentional shopping list. Your list can be the items that you don’t have or those you need to get in a different size. You don’t have to buy everything on this list, make it your own. You may want to pull additional accessories and clothes from your closet to fill in the gaps.

5. When you are ready, grab a large mirror, close the door to your bedroom, pour a glass of wine or your favorite tea and let’s get organized. Stand in front of a big mirror, grab your phone and snap pictures of your outfits. That way, when its time to get dressed you have a reference for what to wear.

Here are a just a few outfit ideas you can make from just the 15 items on the list:

A few things I’ve learned along the way:

  • When I am not my ideal size, I find that its best to stick with neutrals. They tend to take the focus off my figure (or at least it feels that way). If I buy things when I am in-between sizes that are neutral, they continue to work after I’ve gotten back to my ideal size.

  • You don’t have to buy everything on this list. You may want to pull additional accessories and clothes from your closet to fill in the gaps.

  • I usually find that my “ideal size” loose fitting tops, shoes, and jackets still work but I have to buy in-between pants/jeans and tanks.

  • The wardrobe planning is one of those things that you need to do alone. No interruptions from littles, husbands or roommates. Consider it self-care (you know, like a shower and going to the bathroom alone 🤣).

  • I’m not a big fan of fast fashion. BUT I find that when I’m in-between sizes its a fun way to try new things and change up my wardrobe. I know I won’t be this size forever (and that these mom jeans won’t be in style forever!) but its fun to try something new while I am.

  • If you are postpartum, put away your maternity clothes after the first 6 weeks. Get out of them. It will make such a difference mentally to put them away and put on “real” clothes again (even if they are a bigger size).

Getting Organized…

  • On your phone 📞: Create an album of the photos you took and reference before you get dressed to make it easy.

  • Make a list ✍🏻: Make a list of the items you need to fill in the gaps of your in-between wardrobe.

  • Your Closet 👚: Designate one section of your closet for the capsule wardrobe. Put other items back neatly in your closet. You can revisit them when it’s a new season or your size has changed.

Shop my favorite closet basics here:

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I’ll be sharing more of my own in-between wardrobe and my closet clean out during the Spring Organizing Challenge over on Instagram! See you there.

