My favorite AFFORDABLE organizing products

You CAN get organized without spending an arm and a leg on containers and such. Remember, form follows function. Yes, we all love the TV shows and Instagram feeds that portray pretty pictures of put together spaces. BUT pretty doesn't equal practical.

Focus on the function first. You can ALWAYS invest in pretty bins but if the space isn’t working for you, neither will that beautiful basket.

As a pro organizer, I did not invest in fancy bins and baskets until moving to this house. Why? Because it wasn’t in the budget for us. But my house was still organized before I ever invested in pretty products. I used what I had and focused on the functionality, decluttering and purpose of the space. THEN I added pretty products when the time was right.

That said, there are plenty of great containers that are also affordable. Here is a round up of my favorite products that won’t bust your budget. Click on any image to be taken directly to product link.

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Links: White Bins, Black Y-weave, Drawer Dividers, Clear Shoe Box, Broom Holder, Y-weave White

  1. Y-weave bins

I love these bins because they come in a variety of sizes and colors (and can be found anywhere - Amazon, At Home, and Target). The small bins are a great budget-friendly option to divide your drawer and contain smaller items. I love the bigger baskets and bins for containing stuff too - especially because they have handles. They are also easy to clean and super durable.


2. Plastic Bins with Handles

These are probably my favorite affordable storage option. They are crisp, white, durable and so inexpensive but look fabulous. I use these in laundry rooms, pantries, under the sink, in my freezer (not a typo!). I love to pair these with a dry erase marker for quick and easy labeling.


3. Adjustable Drawer Dividers

I love a drawer divider to button up a drawer. It can help your shirts (or onesies) stay in line and easily allows you to make a spot for everything all while remaining flexible. Here are my favorite affordable drawer dividers. They come in packs of 5 and 8 and are one of those products I love to keep on hand.


4. Tall Bin Inserts

Sometimes all a basket or a bin needs is a little containment. These upright bins are great to use for storage of art supplies on a cart or table or division of items inside a bin (as seen below).


5. Clear Storage Bins (Shoe Boxes)

Saving the best for last, these are my GO-TO affordable storage option. Whether you need toy storage, shoe storage, containment of batteries, bulbs, medications, or stationary, I LOVE this flexible and budget friendly clear container. Write directly on the bin with a chalkmarker and you have beautiful storage for under $5 each.


I hope this helps you see that getting organized doesn’t have to break the bank.



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