Organize: Nursery

If I ever go back to in-home organizing, I’m going to niche down and only organize and set up nurseries for new-moms and moms-to-be in Nashville. What do you think? Would this be valuable to you or someone you know?

Don’t get any ideas. I’m still knee deep with two under two over here and stay-at-home mom life suits me. But one of the best things I’ve done for myself is to prep Fitz’s nursery before he was born. With Tommy, I had NO IDEA what I needed or how to set it up for those night-time diaper changes and clothing swaps, but now I feel like a pro!

Here is a peak into Fitz’s nursery closet, how I organized it, and a few tips for how you can organize you own nursery.

3 Nursery Design Must-Haves:

  1. Comfortable place to sit, rock and put your feet up (Rocker and Ottoman)

  2. Crib (duh!)

  3. Soft easy to clean rug and room to play

Nursery Organization Must-Haves:

  1. Storage spot for bulk-diapers

  2. Large bins or baskets for size-up (too big) and outgrown (too small) clothes

  3. Broad category storage bins for baby accessories like bibs and hats.

I also love the idea of using a dresser to double as a changing table. This not only saves space, but makes it easy to organize go-to items like diapers and wipes, a change of clothes, and other necessary items for middle of the night changes. Strategically placing the diaper pale and dirty clothes hamper directly next to the changing table is another (often missed) nursery set-up must.

What are your favorite tips for setting up a nursery? I’d love to hear them!





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