3 Life Hacks to make Laundry + Cleaning Easier

Sharing 3 tips my mother-in-law taught me that make life, laundry and cleaning a whole lot easier. Be sure to check out my instagram reel to see these hacks in action.

  1. When transitioning clothes from one child to the next, mark the tag with a single dot so you know whose clothes belong to whom. When it’s time to pass them down again, do the same thing. No dots, first child. One dot, second child. Two dots, third child and so on.


The best part about this hack is it makes figuring out whose clothes belong to who super easy. I know for me, the boys are in very similar sizes and not having to think through which item goes with which kid makes laundry a lot easier. Plus, it means that someone else can fold and put away the clothes without asking me a bazillion questions about which clothes go with which kid.

2. To separate nice dish towels from rags that look the same, designate dirty dish towels as rags by trimming the corners with scissors.


3. Last but not least, keep a stain remover spray (I like spray n’ wash) near your laundry baskets to make it easy to attack those stains before ever putting clothes in the laundry


What are your favorite household hacks? Share in the comments below.



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