#OrgNash21 Day Challenge (Video #10 - Make-up)

I can’t believe this is the FINAL video of the challenge 😭 It went by so quickly, yet we are still stuck at home! Not to worry, I plan to keep delivering quaran-tips during this time. Lets talk how to organize your makeup drawer whether it is in a bag, on a counter top, or in a drawer (like mine).

Want more details on this challenge: START HERE.

Today your job is to watch THIS video ⬇

Here’s how to execute this project:

  1. Take everything out and gather ALL of your make up.

  2. Sort into three piles: Keep, Donate and Trash.

Make-up expires just like food. Look on the bottom of your products to see how long it is good for.

3. Toss any make-up that is expired. Remember the indicator on the bottom will be 12M = 12 months.

PRO TIP: Use a sharpie to indicated when you opened the item or when it is expired.

3. Organize

  • Focus only on the keep pile and group like items together: brushes with brushes, blushes with blushes, and so on.

  • Test placement of your products for organizing just like we did with the junk drawer.

  • Make sure you can see each item so you can SEE it. USE it. ENJOY it.

4. (Keep) Neat: Review makeup for expiration twice a year and refresh as needed.

Products that I love for make-up organization linked below:

Here’s the line-up of spaces we will be organizing together:

  1. learn the organizing process ✔

  2. start small: books ✔

  3. charging station

  4. drop zone

  5. meal planning✔

  6. junk drawer ✔

  7. toys- legos ✔

  8. Clothing Closet

  9. Pantry

  10. Make-up ✔

Want to hit the EASY button for organizing? Hire us!


The One with the BBQ (Cabinets & Drawers)


#OrgNash21 Day Challenge (Video #8 - Clothing Closet.