#OrgNash21 Day Challenge (Video #10 - Make-up)
I can’t believe this is the FINAL video of the challenge 😭 It went by so quickly, yet we are still stuck at home! Not to worry, I plan to keep delivering quaran-tips during this time. Lets talk how to organize your makeup drawer whether it is in a bag, on a counter top, or in a drawer (like mine).
Want more details on this challenge: START HERE.
Today your job is to watch THIS video ⬇
Here’s how to execute this project:
Take everything out and gather ALL of your make up.
Sort into three piles: Keep, Donate and Trash.
“Make-up expires just like food. Look on the bottom of your products to see how long it is good for. ”
3. Toss any make-up that is expired. Remember the indicator on the bottom will be 12M = 12 months.
“PRO TIP: Use a sharpie to indicated when you opened the item or when it is expired. ”
3. Organize
Focus only on the keep pile and group like items together: brushes with brushes, blushes with blushes, and so on.
Test placement of your products for organizing just like we did with the junk drawer.
Make sure you can see each item so you can SEE it. USE it. ENJOY it.
4. (Keep) Neat: Review makeup for expiration twice a year and refresh as needed.
Products that I love for make-up organization linked below:
Here’s the line-up of spaces we will be organizing together:
learn the organizing process ✔
start small: books ✔
charging station ✔
drop zone ✔
meal planning✔
junk drawer ✔
toys- legos ✔
Clothing Closet ✔
Pantry ✔
Make-up ✔