#OrgNash21 Day Challenge (Video #8 - Clothing Closet.

You can have a closet where you can actually start your day refreshed rather than exhausted. Here is exactly how we took this closet to the #nextlevel and how you can do the same in your own home:

Want more details on this challenge: START HERE.

Today your job is to watch THIS video ⬇

Here’s how to execute this project:

  1. Take everything out of the closet. Serisouly, every stinkin’ thing and take the opportunity to make the closet shine. Wipe down the shelves, sweep the floors and clear out the dust bunnies.

PRO TIP: In case this can’t all be done in one sitting, identify a nearby table, bed or floor space where you can stash your stuff during the project.

2. Sort into 3 piles: KEEP, DONATE, TRASH. For this exercise it is very necessary to set a timer for 20 minutes so you don’t get stuck. If you have a lot of clothes, divide this task into several sections. Identify a smaller bite-size section, set the time for 20 minutes and sort into one of three piles.

When in doubt, KEEP it.
— Caroline Dilbeck

3. Organize

  • Measure the space to determine best placement and products (if any) for purchase.

  • If you can only purchase one product, I recommend matching hangers to visually simplify the space and streamline clothing across all areas.

  • When it comes to placement, here are three tips:

    • Form follows function: You dress with your shirt on top, pants on the bottom. Your closet should follow suit.

    • Use the long-hanging section of your closet for just that —> items that are longer than the shorter areas should go in the long hanging area in order to reduce wrinkling and visual clutter.

    • If you have storage in out of reach places (like the closet in this video), don’ be afraid to leverage your vertical space, just do it with intention. Use like baskets with labels to corral less frequently used items.

    • Finally, ask yourself if an item really belong in the closet (sporting goods, tools, and home decor items for example) are generally better suited for other areas if there is room in your house.

  • Group like items together (shirts, shorts, dresses, coats, vests) and place in ROYGBIV order back in the closet.

4. (Keep) Neat: Make sure to label everything so you know where it goes.

Here’s the line-up of spaces we will be organizing together:

  1. learn the organizing process ✔

  2. start small: books ✔

  3. charging station

  4. drop zone

  5. meal planning✔

  6. junk drawer ✔

  7. toys- legos ✔

  8. Clothing Closet

  9. Pantry

  10. Make-up

Want to hit the EASY button for organizing? Hire us!


#OrgNash21 Day Challenge (Video #10 - Make-up)


#OrgNash21 Day Challenge (Video #7 - LEGOS)